"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes; For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."" Romans 1:16-17

Friday, May 21, 2010

Jwits at my door

This mornin, a little after I had woken up, I heard the door bell ring. I was two women evangelising for the Jehovahs Witnesses and the Watchtower Tracts Society. I almost invited them in but it has been a long time since I have studied up on Jwits and This was my first ever encounnter with them coming to my home.

They first asked me what I thought about the current world crisises and natural disasters proceeding to hand me a Watchtower magazine that has an article talking about it. I simply told them I dont believe in their god and that I did not want to take the magazine. I realized because I had not studied up on their beliefs recently enough to remember, we simply exchanged some questions starting with theirs first.

They first asked me what I believe God's purpose is, which I answered them that it has always been a history of redemption through the Lord and God Jesus Christ. Then I asked them whether they believe in the Trinity, whether Jesus was fully God and fully man, and they answered no. Come to find out I had asked one of the important questions that is disputed between Jwits and the Church of Jesus Christ, as I had afterwards read up on. They also asked me if I believed if we are currently living in the last days, and I said yes explaining that in this age of grace by the Gospel we are currently waiting for the return of our Lord and God Jesus Christ.

After our friendly exchange they said good bye and they left. I wish I had known more about them to get a better understanding of how to have exchanged with them a little better. Granted that falls mostly on my ignorance and I know to leave it to God to change the hearts of those who are unbelieving. But I noticed something about how they evangelized me. They simply went straight to some abstract concept where God is being questioned and handing me not a bible or bible verses but the Watchtower magazine. I know they need to do this because they are tryinng to "win" converts and are doing all the things necessary to do so and that even means changing the message. But not just that they didnt give me the Gospel but they did not even expound on what their gospel was. I heard no purpose to why I should read except that I could get a better understanding of why bad things are happening. I was left with an emptyness of not truly understanding their views and beliefs with an exception of when I had asked them my question on the trinity. I felt like in order to have truly delt with the situation, not only do you have to know what you believe and why you believe it but know what they believe and why they believe it. I know i should do this but at the same time it upsets me to thing how many people dont know what they believe and why they believe it or have not completely understood everything they believe in order to go out and evangelize. Evangelism should be an act of portraying your beliefs to another and why so that they may either accept or deny that claim, not to vaugely give a brief idea or concept in attempts to possibly decieve the unbeliever.

So again other then from the question I asked them, it sounded to me like they believe basically in the same things I believe, but when you go in and research further it really is not the case. I pray for those two women that by God's grace they will be given a heart of flesh and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as their righteousness and rest in that Gospel. May our conversation we had been to further that Gospel and to glorify God! Amen

Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Christus, Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia!

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