"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes; For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."" Romans 1:16-17

Saturday, May 15, 2010

AGAPE Bonfire and more

On Wednesday night I spent the whole afternoon and evening and part of the early, early morning with Jen and my firends from Agape at Cortland. We had a bonfire up at Otisco Lake. It was huge. I think the wood pile was about 12 feet tall and about 12 feet wide at the base. It started out as crummy weather almost about to rain, but then it cleared up and boy was it beautiful. A couple of us went swimming in the lake where it was as cold or colder than some ice baths I have taken previously. I played 16 games of Kan Jam with Sean and we went 15-1, with our last loss because it was practically dark. so we went 15 and 0 for almost the whole day. Me and Brian Keefe went out on the lake with the canoe, and a couple of us walked out on this fallen tree over the lake. Before we started the fire I was given an opprotunity to speak some words to the bunch of people who were at the bonfire about Christ and His Gospel and How it defines us and to keep learning more and more about it. I was blessed with that opprotunity. I love when I am given opprotunities to speak like that because I feel it always necessary to proclaim the truth and the Gospel, even if it is to some believers to build them up in Christ.

I finally drove with Jen home but before we got home we stopped in Cortland to have a Midnight breakfast with some of my teammates, so Jen got to meet them. I was blessed with another opprotunity to share more of the Gospel where a teammate of mine had asked the question to me whether God can become a man, where I simply responded, "I believe he has already!" I explained the doctrine of the trinity and the purpose of Christ becoming man. It was an out of no where question but I was obliged to respond. After that, we finally headed home and just as we got into the Forks, Jen didn't want to go home so we drove around a little while as I attempted to bring her to a cool place but I couldnt see a thing in the fog, so she fell asleep and I brought her home fighting my own urges to do the same.

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