"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes; For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."" Romans 1:16-17

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ithaca Evangelism

Yesterday I went to Ithaca with Jen to go to a doctors appointment for my IT band syndrome that I have been having problem with for about 12 weeks to the day. Afterwards we went around downtown to go to the Ithaca commons which I had never been there and then to see the water falls.

While we were down in the commons we went to a place that Jen and her family love to go called the Matte Factor. It is this little restaurant with this tea called Matte and Jen loves the place because she loves tea and she loves that the place makes everything with natural ingredients including honey to sweeten their tea because she can have honey and not sugar.

We first went in their to get some tea then walked around the commons for a little bit. After walking around and seeing the other stores and such, it was about lunch time and we needed to get something to eat. Jen wanted a wrap from the Matte Factor and I wanted a waffle from this waffle place. Which, my waffle was amazing, it was a cornbread waffle with real maple syrup and chocolate chips on top!!! I got my food and headed over to the Matte place to sit with Jen where she was talking to the guy who works there.

Now, to add a little background, the people who own, run, and work the Matte place are people who are apart of this group called the Twelve Tribes, which we think are like this Jewish cult. They have a website that you can check out called www.twelvetribes.com .

This guy gave her this pamphlet and I walked in on them talking about it. Later after sitting down and eating the guy came back because he saw I was reading it trying to get an idea of what it was saying. They quoted the bible a lot in the pamphlet and asked him why that was. So, we had a nice discussion on what he believes. Basically the man is a Pelagian who thinks men are going to heaven based on their good works and that Christ only came to save those who are just too deep in the whole to get themselves out. I had gone through the Ten Commandments trick with him to show him he is a sinner in need of Christ and he stopped me and said, "have you ever nailed a piece of wood together to something? does that make you a Carpenter? so if no why is it that if I lied once or twice or a few times but not a lot or badly does that make me a lier?"

I must answer this because this was a new thing I had never heard but I think I responded nicely to it. The difference between these two things being a lier and being a Carpenter by profession is that the standard by which the action is measured by. Let me explain, the Law of God says that you break my law you deserve punishment. It does not say how many time you have to break the Law before you finally deserve the justice. Even so was it not by one action of one bite of the fruit of the forbidden tree that sent the whole world into a fallen nature? By one man sin entered the world, is it not right to say that by one sin, justice is to be accounted for? The Carpenter is merely a profession and simply doing things as a Carpenter does does not make you a Carpenter. It is like saying if you ever ran in your life it makes you a runner, or if you ever wrote a poem for class it now makes you a writer. No! I am a horrible writer and by no means it it something that I am. yes I can write, yes I have written but I am by no means A WRITER. The title is stating that it is who I am by what I either enjoy to do often or do professionally. To walk into a room full of writers and say I am one and tell them i wrote a short story for 11th grade English once, they would laugh. The standard is set by society as to what it means to be a writer or a Carpenter or a runner, but not so with being a lier, a murderer, or a thief. The standard is an objective one in which crossing the line now makes your deserving of the penalty. In a court of law it would not stand if you broke it once or a thousand time. Point being you broke the law. In human Law you can break it a bunch of times and not get caught, untrue for God's Law because God knows the hearts and minds of everyone, knowing exactly what Law you broke and how many times whether it be few or many. So, to use that analogy is to compare two different things that do not apply to each other.

Anyways, after talking for a long time with the man who continued to go in circles confusing Law and Gospel, We kindly left the man shaking his hand. I praise God for the opportunity to have spread His Gospel and that by that His purpose will be edified in that man's life. May God's calling be effective always to those whom He chooses to make known to.

Jen then took me to the music store there in Ithaca and that was fun. I got to play a twelve string acoustic guitar which sounded amazing! We then left and kind of got lost trying to find Taughannock Falls, which was a first time for me going there and had to be one of the most beautiful falls in Ithaca by far! It started to rain and so we headed home. What an amazing day with such an amazing girl!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jerry Greenlaw

So I thought of Jerry the other day as I was driving my car to go to the park to chill with friends. I heard the song Born to Run by Springsteen and I couldn't help but think of Jerry. He has been a pretty good friend to me in the past two years at Cortland, just always making me feel welcome. I miss him and my other buddies I have met throughout my college days. I feel like I have fallen off the face of the earth to them. I will definitely have to make trips to see them in the future to enjoy their company as I have done so many times in the past!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


As I am getting older now, the days seem to be getting shorter. The months and years are just moving by faster and faster. But God in my life has been growing me more and more in these days. He has given me graces beyond measure and ultimately the greatest Grace of them all! Living in that I am slowly dying to myself and finding my life becoming different. As stages in my life begin to change I am forced to place everything into His hands, knowing that I am to live my life in the comfort and knowledge of God to help guide me but ultimately He will put me where I am to be. Where I was, where I am, and where I will be is exactly where I am supposed to be. And so, each day I take to that comfort to act in ways that are against my old nature, becoming even more each day, a Child of God.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A long weekend with the Vermaat's

This past weekend, I was invited to come to Jen's Uncle's wedding that was Renaissance themed. It was a very interesting wedding! very low key and close family. I was very honored to have been invited to the ceremony. The bride rode a horse with Jen's Uncle David lead her in. Jen looked amazingly gorgeous in her dress. I wore a pretty neat outfit myself. It was neat because walking around with the horses in our outfits, I really felt like we were actually in the 1600's!

The next day I got to spend more time with Jen's family as they all came over her house for the evening. She keeps tellin me her family is crazy but I think she is too self concious about alot of things because I think her family is pretty neat and pretty funny.

Jen also came with me on Sunday to Church at the Redeemer in Cortland. She said it has been almost half a year since she has been to church. She loved it there. She is always being discerning and so she asked me to clarify somethings she thought she herd like when we had communion she had thought by what the pastor said, she thought that he meant the the bread and juice became the literal body and blood of Christ which she misunderstood just a little.
She also kind of doesnt like how people pray as unworthy when we are now children of God, loved by Him. but i simply explained its not always the case. Granted I find that alot of her concerns come from her dislike of her previous Church within the Dutch Reformed tradition. Granted alot of the things within her specific Chruch are not always the case everywhere and the same goes vice versa. But it is a shame that she is so hesitant to many things within the Reformed tradition because how much it had been skewed within her previous Church.

Jen is one of those believers who stresses the relationship with God while I am the kind that enjoys the relationship with God but it flows from the knowledge of what God has given me in His word through doctrine. She says Christianity is not religion but relationship while I say Christianity is Gospel and not Law. She stresses the heart in which comes the knowledge and I stress the Head where knowledge is proccessed and finds its path to the heart to become exhalted.

Sort of a small dilema but it does not make me love her anyless! She understands many of the same things I do but from a different source and so I praise God for that! I care about her alot and she cares about me and feels comfortable with me, and I see us growing more and more together in Christ. Jen is an amazing girl and I find it crazy that she had been right infront of me for about a decade. Praise God for putting her in my life!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Assateague Island

For summer vacation my friends and I have been plannin a trip to go to Assateague Island down near Ocean City, MD to get away for a few days and go camping and enjoy the beach. As we were driving down there, the weather was warm and cloudy. But, about 15 mins before we arrived, the sun came out and the weather was gorgeous the rest of the week. Jen and I went shopping for food the first day down there while everyone else stayed at the campsite and put the tents and stuff up. When we got back we ate hot dogs over the campfire and then went over to the boardwalk in Ocean City.

After going to the boardwalk we came back to the campsite and walked around the beach in the dense fog and then hung around the fire till we went to bed. In the morning, we all got up really early before 6am to enjoy the runrise. Then we went around over to Ocean City again to play beach volleyball and walk the board walk the other direction. When we got back to the campsite, it was not even noon yet, so we all got in our suites and went swimming and played in the sand digging holes. Afterwards, we got changed, played a long game of apples to apples, some took naps while I made my own kite out of the broken tent materials. When the nappers woke up we went to a Crab Shack just on the mainland from Ocean City for dinner where the meal was really expensive but really good. I had huge bucket of clams and shells and crab which was delicious. Then as we got back we had some ice cream sandwitches around the fire and went for a moonlite walk on the beach then headed to bed.

On the thiird day we spent our morning packing everything up and then headed back home. we dropped off Joy in Philly where we picked her up from, and stopped at the Country Junction, the worlds largest general store, to eat dinner and look around.

This trip was an amazing trip. For how inexpensive it was to go and do what we did for a few days, I could not have asked for anything more! By the way Batman stayed up the whole trip!