"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes; For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."" Romans 1:16-17

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A couple things...

So like I said before I am beat up right now. I cannot remember if I put down in that post that my knee hurts but it still hurts and I cannot run right now. If this continues, I will probably go get a cortasone shot to calm down the inflamation that is causing the pain.

Secondly, our school is located right next to a cemetary. For the two years I have been here I have never seen a funeral take place in that cemetary, until the other day. Now there is more to the cemetary than what we can see from the library, but this funeral took place litterally right next to the fence that seperated the cemetary from the school. It was kind of odd to have seen life continue on at the school people playing their music loudly in their cars as they drove by, people walking to and from class talking about their days. This is all going on while life had ceased on the other side of the fence about 10 feet from us, as a family mourned the death of their loved one. This all just seemed strange to me. Seeing this contrast happening within feet of each other. As I walked by it, I just thought to myself, I hope that person heard and responded to the Gospel. But, I know if they had not, that it would be to God's purpose either way! For Christ is able to save the uttermost, all those whom are called. Not one shall perish who are given to the Son.

Also, I applied to work at Covenant College down in Georgia as a Cross Country Coach. I hope I get the job because that would be sweet to work at that college doing something I love to do and be able to make a living. I am also going to apply to Grad-school here at Cortland. I will be in the Kinesiology M.A. program. If I do that I am thinking about living over at winter street and volunteer coaching with the team here.

So thats what I had to say, a couple things to catch everyone up on whats going on and what I was thinkin bout.


  1. That is awesome that you applied for that Job Sterm. Any word yet? Let me know if you get it. It does seem a contrast having a funeral take place next to a college. But maybe in this case the mourners could learn from the college students and celebrate the life instead of mourn for its loss. Just a way of looking at death that I learned from my family. Funerals are always relatively happy occasions in my family with smiling and laughing and enjoying the company of all those still present.

  2. haha, yeah i havent gotten any word back and it does seem to contrast. and yes funerals though they are sad and people mourn over the death of their loved one, it is a reason to bring family together and enjoy each other.
