"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes; For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."" Romans 1:16-17

Friday, March 19, 2010

Denied but ok with it

Well, I was denied tonight by someone I like. I also was recently denied to PT school. I also have had alot of missed opprotunities this year in runnin such as making it to indoor nationals or becoming all-american in cross country. I wanted to mention this because I have to proclaim the Gospel and not this prosperity gospel that is not really even the gospel... sorry Osteen but it's not. I have to say that in my knowledge of the Gospel, I can accept these things that have been happening to me with hope and endurance. I know that God works all thing for good to those who love Him, but I also know that His ways are not our ways. So I must take things in trust and hope to know that if I am truly ment for someone or something, it will happen and it will be good whatever and whoever that happens to be. My second point is where the Gospel truly comes in, because not only do I have assurance in Christ about God providing for me but that I am provided the greatest gift of all... Faith! Given to me by grace not of my own works or merrit, but of God who purposed it. In that faith I have justification and since I am justified I am no longer condemned. And so, I have peace with God so that though I may suffer in this dying world or accel, I am right with God through the propitiation of my sins through Christ who interceeds before the Father on my behalf. I can now live for God with the God working within me through His Spirit which I have also recieved by grace, replacing my hard heart that rebelled against God, with a heart of flesh that truly lives. So these things have happened to me... Praise God!

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